Friday, November 2, 2012

Thursday 11.1.12 Recap

That was our last Thursday workday.  For those of you who missed, we did a lot of cleaning up and colouring the animations as well as some documentary work for the making-of video.

This weekend, on Saturday, we have a sign-up on Facebook for times when you can come into the lab and finish up the scenes.  The goal is to get as much done this weekend as possible.  Tuesday will be for editing and cleaning up the animation, putting all the bits and pieces in.  So please check Facebook to find a time best fitting for you schedule.

Note for everyone:
Next Thursday we'll be screening The Lost Files, as well as the other group's works at the Gateway Film Center at 9:30 am.  You can learn more here.  Parking is $1.

Let's make it through this weekend and finish our animation!